Episode 52: The Power of Choice During Challenging Times

The twists and turns of Spiritual Evolution are surprising to not only you but surprising to us as well. Jessica and I are so proud of what we created with Adventures with Spirit. With that being said, we have decided to go into different directions with our spiritual practices and journey. What does this mean for YOU? It means that I will continue to share my spiritual wisdom with you in this podcast. In my first solo episode, I will be sharing what happens when you receive a "doomsday reading". Because let's face it, sometimes the reading you receive isn't all sunshine and rainbows!!!

Let's start the Adventure! Join me as I discuss:

  1. Spiritual Evolution

  2. Intuition

  3. Emotional Management

  4. Praying

  5. Acupuncture

  6. Mindfulness

  7. Challenging Times

  8. Limited Beliefs

  9. Surrendering

  10. Resilience

  11. Family First

  12. Putting Yourself First


Episode 53: Time to Evolve


Episode 51: The Space Between Grief and Joy